
How to Cirno Icicle Fall (Normal Mode)

Allot of people who are new to playing Touhou seem to struggle when doing EoSD Cirnos Icicle Fall on Normal mode. Well here’s a quick and really simple guide on how to do it.

I’ve run the hit box patch just to show how much room you actually have with this spell card.

First of all you want to position yourself about here


Then when the yellow bullets start to fall you want to dodge either left or right of the centre one. Then as soon as the icicles begin to fall you want to dodge through the first wave like so.


Then run up between the two waves of icicles


Dodge through the yellow bullets and pull yourself back into the centre


Cirno should then die, unless you haven’t reached full power mode in which cas rinse and repeat the above.

Here’s a quick video I made as well